USB device not recognized error is one of the most annoying errors that can occur on your computer. This error can happen due to many reasons, such as outdated drivers, faulty USB ports, or even a damaged USB device. Fortunately, there are several ways to fix this error. In this article, we will discuss some of the solutions to fix the USB device not recognized error.
1. Restart Your Computer
The first solution to fix the USB device not recognized error is to restart your computer. Sometimes, the error occurs due to a glitch in the system, and restarting the computer can fix it. To restart your computer, click on the Start button and then click on the Power button. Select Restart from the options.
2. Update Your Drivers
Outdated drivers can cause the USB device not recognized error. To update your drivers, go to the Device Manager and find the USB device that is not recognized. Right-click on it and select Update Driver Software. Follow the on-screen instructions to update the driver.
3. Check Your USB Ports
The USB device not recognized error can also occur due to faulty USB ports. To check if your USB ports are working correctly, try connecting the USB device to a different port. If it works, then the previous port was faulty. If not, then move on to the next solution.
4. Uninstall and Reinstall the USB Device
If none of the above solutions work, try uninstalling and reinstalling the USB device. To do this, go to the Device Manager and find the USB device that is not recognized. Right-click on it and select Uninstall. Disconnect the USB device and restart your computer. After the computer restarts, reconnect the USB device, and the computer should reinstall the driver automatically.
5. Disable USB Selective Suspend
USB Selective Suspend is a power-saving feature that can cause the USB device not recognized error. To disable USB Selective Suspend, go to the Control Panel and select Power Options. Click on Change Plan Settings and then click on Change Advanced Power Settings. Expand USB Settings and then expand USB Selective Suspend Setting. Disable the feature for both battery and plugged-in mode.
6. Check Your USB Device
If none of the above solutions work, the problem may lie with the USB device itself. Try connecting the USB device to a different computer to see if it works. If it works, then the problem is with your computer. If not, then the USB device may be faulty, and you need to replace it.
7. Use a USB Hub
If you have multiple USB devices connected to your computer, try using a USB hub to connect them. Sometimes, the USB device not recognized error occurs due to conflicts between USB devices. Using a USB hub can resolve these conflicts.
8. Clean Your USB Ports
Dirt and debris can accumulate in your USB ports, causing connectivity issues. To clean your USB ports, turn off your computer and use a cotton swab or a soft-bristled brush to remove any dirt or debris. Be gentle to avoid damaging the USB port.
9. Perform a System Restore
If the USB device not recognized error occurred recently, try performing a system restore to a previous date when the error did not occur. To perform a system restore, go to the Control Panel and select System and Security. Click on System and then click on System Protection. Click on System Restore and follow the on-screen instructions to restore your system to a previous date.
10. Reset Your BIOS Settings
If none of the above solutions work, try resetting your BIOS settings to default. To do this, restart your computer and press the key to enter the BIOS settings. Look for an option to reset the settings to default and follow the on-screen instructions to reset your BIOS settings.
In conclusion, the USB device not recognized error can be frustrating, but there are several solutions to fix it. Try the solutions mentioned above one by one until you find the one that works for you. If none of the solutions work, consider seeking professional help.

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